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About Me.

Hello there! I am so happy you are here! My name is Krista Mayes-Poole, and I consider myself a modern mystic. I went through a completely life-changing experience not too long ago that opened many doors I didn’t believe were accessible to an average person like me. The realms of mediumship and psychic abilities were never on my radar until life’s challenges said otherwise.

I had a challenging childhood, and sports were my outlet for me. They gave me direction, purpose, community, and friendship. With basketball being my favorite, I competed at the collegiate level in basketball and softball. I worked for the next 18 years in the sports industry, coordinating national and world athletic events and owning/operating a strength and conditioning facility for middle, high school, and collegiate athletes. A combination of health issues, business woes due to COVID, family concerns, and the death of a beloved pet, I was fed up with this life. At my lowest point, my dog (Babe), who was still with me at that time, said this telepathically as clearly as day: “I love you, Mom, and I need you to stay with me.” I didn’t know what telepathy was then, and I thought I was going crazy. Soon after that experience, Hank, the dog who had passed, would telepathically mention things to me daily. I intensely studied scientific and spiritual practices to discover how this was possible.  

So here I am with a renewed purpose! I have learned so much about energy, Mother Earth, galactic history, our sky brothers and sisters, all the Claires, shadow work, the higher self, angels, auras, chakras, past lives, healing others and oneself, star seeds, lightworkers, Reiki, Akashic records, plant medicine, telepathy, 5D and other dimensions, astral travel, ancient civilizations and their connection to current times, ley lines, dragons, nature spirits, shamanism, meditation, channeling, astrology, inner earth, and so much more! What does this all add up to? It is a foundation to help others heal themselves and the Earth, including the animals. 

I would not be where I am without several dogs who have shown me what love really is. I am incredibly grateful for their perspective, guidance, and love. This work is dedicated to Babe, Hank, Rex, Ace, Deuce, Mocha, Peanut, Ace II, Gravy Train, and Fleak. 

Certifications and Completed Courses

  • Animal Communication Level I (Taught by JoLee Wingerson – Compassionate Pet Communication)

  • Animal Communication Level II (Taught by JoLee Wingerson – Compassionate Pet Communication)

  • Animal Communication Mentorship and Case Studies (Taught by Sarah Jane-LeBlanc - The Pet Whisperer)

  • Clairvoyant Training (1 year - Taught by Psychic Horizons in Boulder, CO) 

  • PTO (1 year - Peeling the Onion / Psychic Development Training taught by Psychic Horizons in Boulder, CO)

  • Psychic/Mediumship Teachers Training (Taught by Psychic Horizons in Boulder, CO)

  • Inner Essence of the Creative Mind (Taught by Emma Fitchett-Farrell - The School of Natural Esoterics)

  • The True Nature of Plant Spirits (Taught by Emma Fitchett-Farrell - The School of Natural Esoterics)

  • Creating Sacred Space with Plant Spirits (Taught by Emma Fitchett-Farrell - The School of Natural Esoterics)

  • Shamanic Plant Spirit Initiations (Taught by Emma Fitchett-Farrell - The School of Natural Esoterics)

  • Dulse Plant Initiation (Taught by Emma Fitchett-Farrell - The School of Natural Esoterics)

  • Angel Card Master (Taught by Kyle Gray)

  • Foundations of Spiritual Ecology (7 months - Taught by Pam Montgomery)

  • Galactic & Earth Akashic Readings (Taught by Debbie Solaris) 

  • African Shamanic Dreamwork (Taught by John Lockley)

  • Angelic Reiki Master (Taught by Cheryl Ramsey)

  • Creating Sacred Space – Earth/Water/Fire/Wind (Taught by Little Grandmother)

  • Cosmic Herbalism (Taught by Adriana Ayales)

  • House & Land Clearing & Healing (Taught by Deb Keys)

  • Shamanic Journeying for Healing (Taught by Sandra Ingerman)

  • A Shamans Approach to Death as a Rite of Passage (Taught by Sandra Ingerman)

  • Navajo Illumination - The Feather Way (Taught by Michael Cutter)

  • The Elements of Reading Hands (Taught by Michael Cutter)

  • Galactic Alchemy (Galactic Heritage Cards) - (Taught by Lyssa Royal Holt - The SOLi School)

  • Healing Intimacy (Taught by Jocelyn Hunter)

  • Healing Emotional Wounds Masterclass (Taught by Tammy Billups)

  • Animal Wayshowers and Lightworkers Masterclass (Taught by Tammy Billups)

  • Awakening the Illuminated Heart - Drunvalo Melchizedek Workshop (Taught by Bj Hamilton) 

Additional Courses and Memberships

  • How to Heal Yourself (Taught by Psychic Horizons - Boulder, CO)

  • Crystal and Angel Healing (Taught by Kyle Gray)

  • Animal Communication Basics (Taught by Pea Horsley)

  • Member of the PRIDE (Animal wisdom and healing group that meets monthly)

  • Animals & The Other Side (Taught by Daniel McKinnon) 

  • Expanding Consciousness Monthly Ongoing Webinars (Taught by John Lockley)

  • Space Holding Level I & II (Taught by Sora Schilling – Devoted Way)

  • How to Talk with Animals (Taught by Maia Kincaid – The Sedona International School for Telepathic Animal & Nature Communication)

  • Animal Reiki (Taught by Elaine McCarty – Animal Reiki Lady)

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