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Krista is happy to offer virtual Interspecies Communication and Healing Services with phone/Zoom sessions that allow you to get answers and support on the go. The work starts with a complimentary consultation so she can learn more about your needs and determine which offerings will help you to meet your goals. 

For Interspecies Healing and Communication Sessions, the name and a photo of the being will be required prior to your session. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out directly

Individual Sessions

Interspecies Communication

Interspecies Communication is communication between all living things. This includes but is not limited to: Animals, plants, angels, trees, higher vibrational life forms, and crystals. During a one-on-one phone or Zoom session, I will use my telepathic abilities to communicate with your animal companion or another interspecies being. Acting as a mediator, I can help you learn about their wishes or desires and provide support for both of you in the transition or healing process. Telepathy is not limited to animals that are only living. Connecting with your animal that has transitioned is a true blessing and can bring much healing. 

30 minute session - $90

60 minute session - $170

Reiki Therapy


A clearing is deep cleansing of your energy field of any blockages, toxicities, or attachments. I work with my spirit team and the higher self of the client to clean, clear, and heal experiences of trauma, accidents, or surgery which leaks Life Force energy. Attachments can form throughout one’s life and these entities are removed, and origin will be given in a report. Chakras are balanced. Living in our modern world, there is usually a disconnection from our intuition and our heart form nature. This connection is restored to its fullest ability. Each cleansing lasts from 2.5-3 hours and a report is sent to the client with a scheduled follow up call. 


Price: $250

House/Land Clearing

Do you feel you might have a negative energy, or do you feel a heaviness in your home or business? These are common experiences for people. Just like dust, energy can build up in any space. Energetic house clearings are preferred for people selling their homes as it can make the home feel more positive and welcoming. It is my opinion that all spaces should be cleared of energy (including any entities) twice per year at the least. Please ask how I can help you bring in more hope, calm, peace, clarity, and inspiration into your space(s). All clearings are done in person and a consultation is required for pricing to be given due to distance to the location and size of property.


Price: Varies


Cord Cutting 

Spiritual cord cutting is an empowering process that involves severing negative energetic connections with others while preserving any positive bonds. As we go through life we form energy cords with people, places, and situations. Some of these cords can hold us back from expanded personal growth. Cutting cords can create space for healthier connections and opportunities to enter our lives. I will lead you through a healing process of cutting cords and infusing your energetic anatomy with love, compassion, and gratitude. All cord cutting is done over Zoom and takes an hour. 


Price: $170

Find Your Spirit Guide

Are you aware that you have support from higher realms? Would you like to learn more about how to connect with them in your daily life? Get information about your main guide and what their purpose is. All sessions are done over Zoom or a phone call and are 30 min. 


Price: $90

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